Thursday, April 26, 2012


What my One Month Old Can Do!
  1. lift his head slightly as her neck muscles strengthen
  2. focus her eyes on your face as he begins to learn how to focus both eyes together
  3. visually follow an object that moves about 6 inches above his face (high-contrast colors such as black and white are what he can see best at this time)
  4. blink at a bright light
  5. recognize familiar sounds and voices and respond by turning his head toward them
  6. grip your finger when you stroke his palm—part of her developing grasping reflex
  7. turn toward your finger when you rub a corner of her mouth
  8. recognize you by your scent
  9. smile so big!

This morning Jett was in SUCH a good mood! kept smiling at me and just looking around at all the crazy cool things that were around him! We are EXTREMLY blessed to have such a happy a good baby! its awesome!

On this day April 26, 2012, I want these!

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